Call Center in Noida & Delhi

Explore the landscape of call centers in Noida & Delhi. Boost your business growth with SquadStack’s cost-effective and tech-driven call center services.

August 28, 2024


5 mins

Call Center in Noida & Delhi

Shara Zareen

Call Center in Noida & Delhi


Due to the rise of the customer-centric approach, delivering exceptional customer experiences is essential. And what better way to achieve this than by partnering with a reliable and efficient call center company? If you're in Noida or Delhi, top-notch call center solutions are within reach to enhance your customer service and drive growth. This region has a vibrant ecosystem of call center companies and service providers, offering a diverse range of services to meet your specific industry needs. With many call center options available in Noida and Delhi, selecting a partner that aligns with your business needs and offers a strong technology stack will bring significant value to your business.

Struggling with outdated technology and phone systems in your traditional Noida or Delhi call center? Choose SquadStack. We offer cutting-edge contact center solutions powered by AI for quality analysis and a team of highly skilled telecallers to overcome these challenges. Businesses across diverse industries such as BFSI, healthcare, education, automotive, retail, and e-commerce can take advantage of our technology-driven contact center services to address their unique needs.

Call Center in Noida and Delhi: Image 1
Image: Leverage SquadStack's Full-Stack Solution to Support Your Business

Our services range from onboarding and welcome calls to omnichannel outreach and lead management, enabling businesses to acquire, retain, and support their customers. We have an extensive network of over ten thousand telecallers proficient in 9 languages. Unlike the agents from other call centers in Noida and Delhi, our telecallers go through thorough screening and training processes, guaranteeing the campaigns are taken care of by the best agents with the right skills.

Call Center in Noida and Delhi: Image 2
Image: We Have a Large Network of Telecallers Proficient in 9 Languages

At the prestigious CX Strategy Summit & Awards 2024, we were awarded "CX Leader of the Year" for our unwavering dedication to customer experience.

Call Center in Noida and Delhi: Image 3

Call Center in Delhi

Delhi, India's capital, has a prominent place in the outsourcing sector by closely aligning with the requirements of both local and global enterprises. Call centers in Delhi are recognized for offering a wide variety of services. Service offerings that begin with basic data entry and go beyond omnichannel outreach are possible due to the city’s abundant, skilled, and cost-efficient workforce, along with its robust IT infrastructure. Despite being a preferred destination for outsourcing, only a limited number of call centers in Delhi have access to proficient professionals who face minimal cultural or language barriers.

Numerous third-party service providers in Delhi encounter infrastructure-related issues, such as power outages and internet connectivity problems. They also lack access to modern contact center technologies and AI-powered solutions, which can adversely affect customer service and hinder operational efficiency.

Call Center in Noida and Delhi: CTA

Call Center in Noida

Noida, the satellite city of Delhi, has a prominent number of call center companies operating in this area. The call centers in Noida offer a wide range of services, such as inbound customer support, sales, telemarketing, market research, lead generation, and more. Bridging the gap between the companies and their customers, call centers in Noida make the best use of the available pool of educated and English-proficient youth. Furthermore, the Indian government provides various incentives and support to call centers in Noida and Delhi, boosting the industry’s growth and development. Even though there are many advantages to operating in this flourishing region, here are a few limitations faced by the call centers in Noida and Delhi.

  • The high employee turnover rate in call centers in Noida impacts operational efficiency and customer service quality.
  • Dealing with customers from diverse linguistic backgrounds can be challenging for English-speaking agents.
  • Not all call centers in Noida stay updated with the evolving regulatory standards.
  • Technological insufficiencies like an in-house dialer and AI-powered quality assurance can lead to missed conversions and compromised ROI.
  • Call centers in Noida face increased risks of data breaches due to potential human error and inadequate data security measures.

How are SquadStack’s Call Center Services Different from Other Traditional Call Centers in Noida & Delhi

SquadStack's call center services stand out from traditional call centers in Noida and Delhi in several aspects. Here are a few of the key offerings that distinguish us from others.


Traditional Call Centers in Noida & Delhi

We follow a productivity and outcome-linked pricing model with no hidden costs.

They usually have a fixed cost per seat or contracts with fixed monthly and annual charges.

SquadStack is designed to enhance sales processes, leading to improved conversions, CAC, and CX.

They predominantly rely on support processes for revenue, neglecting sales as a core focus.

Technology-driven lead prioritization and omnichannel outreach increase connectivity rates to approximately 90%.

Manual lead management and low agent productivity result in poor connectivity rates.

Quality checks of 12% of all call recordings, utilizing both human and AI analysis across 23 parameters, significantly improve agent performance.

Only a small percentage of call recordings are analyzed for quality assurance, limiting performance improvement.

System-driven knowledge management mitigates the impact of high attrition on conversion rates.

High employee turnover rates negatively impact conversion rates.

Tech-driven hiring and agent management eliminate human bias and reduce costs.

Manual hiring and management processes lead to increased costs and potential biases.

SquadStack’s bundled approach to product and service offerings provides customers with convenience and cost-effective solutions.

Individual tech solutions often result in higher prices and inconvenience for customers.

Call Center in Noida and Delhi: E-Book

Why SquadStack is the Ideal Partner for Call Centers in Noida and Delhi

With a commitment to fulfill the demands of businesses in different industries, SquadStack stands out as a prominent service provider among other high-performing call centers in Noida and Delhi. Let’s understand why.

  • Cost Efficiency: Our flexible staffing models allow businesses to scale up or down based on demand, eliminating the need for excessive overhead. Additionally, our usage-based pricing model charges only for the connected minutes and eliminates hidden costs.
  • Enhanced Workforce Management: SquadStack enhances workforce management through the agent management platform. We ensure our recruited agents meet the CERF guidelines and are adequately trained to handle campaigns, driving positive results.
  • Technological Advantages: SquadStack, a tech-powered contact center, invests in the latest technologies and stays updated with technological developments. Leverage our cloud-based infrastructure with advanced technologies such as dialer, workflow builder, and many more.
  • Improved Performance and Metrics: SquadStack provides real-time analytics by tracking and analyzing KPIs like average handle time, first call resolution, etc. We utilize these data to empower each agent with personalized training, improving their productivity and performance.
Call Center in Noida and Delhi: Image 4
Image: Reasons Why SquadStack is the Ideal Partner for Call Centers in Noida and Delhi

Core Services We Provide at Call Centers in Noida and Delhi

With a vast pool of skilled agents and a proven track record, SquadStack delivers exceptional customer support, sales, and telemarketing solutions. Our tech stack streamlines operations, enhances efficiency, and provides valuable insights. By leveraging AI-driven quality monitoring and customizable workflows, SquadStack ensures optimal performance and customer satisfaction. Additionally, our focus on data security and compliance guarantees peace of mind for businesses. Here are the core services we offer.

Our Industry-Specific Telecalling Solutions 

Brokerage/Banking (Saving Accounts)


Logistics & E-Commerce Marketplaces

Consumer Durables

  • Account Opening
  • Account Activation 
  • Account Reactivation and Re KYC
  • Cross-Sell
  • Personal Loans
  • Business Loans
  • Credit Cards
  • Convert to EMI
  • Cross-Sell
  • Welcome Calls 
  • KYC Completion
  • Lead Qualification
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Early Bucket Collections
  • Abandoned Cart / Assisted Sales
  • Non-Delivery Returns
  • Control Tower
  • Blue-Collar Workforce Hiring & Management
  • Seller Onboarding & Management
  • Store Walk-Ins
  • Feedback Calls
  • Reactivate Old Customers
  • Service Reminders
Call Center in Noida and Delhi: Book a Demo

What type of call centers operate in Noida and Delhi?


In Noida and Delhi, various types of call centers operate, including inbound centers handling customer queries, outbound centers focused on telemarketing and sales, and blended centers managing both.

Why are Delhi and Noida popular locations for call centers?


Delhi and Noida are famous due to their robust infrastructure, skilled workforce availability, excellent connectivity, and supportive government policies.

What are the advantages of operating call centers in Noida and Delhi?


Operating call centers in Noida and Delhi offers advantages like cost-effective services, a skilled and English-speaking workforce, advanced technological infrastructure, and 24/7 support. The supportive government policies further enhance operational efficiency.

What are the key skills required for call center jobs in Delhi and Noida?


Key skills required for call center jobs in Delhi and Noida include excellent communication abilities, strong customer service orientation, problem-solving skills, and proficiency in multiple languages.

Why should businesses choose SquadStack for their call center needs in Delhi and Noida?


SquadStack offers AI-driven solutions, a scalable & flexible workforce, a productivity & outcome-linked pricing model, in-house proprietary tech, and a proven track record of enhancing customer satisfaction and business performance.

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