Call Center in Ludhiana | Call Center Company in Ludhiana

Upgrade from traditional call centers in Ludhiana. Discover SquadStack’s unique advantages & data-driven approach to take your customer interactions to the next level.

July 4, 2024


6 mins

Call Center in Ludhiana | Call Center Company in Ludhiana

Shara Zareen

Call Center in Ludhiana | Call Center Company in Ludhiana


Ludhiana, also known as the industrial powerhouse of Punjab, is experiencing a transformation fueled by the expanding call center industry. Often referred to as Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) call center companies, these centers facilitate seamless communication between businesses and their valued customers. The call centers in Ludhiana cater to a diverse range of industries, ranging from telecommunications and healthcare to banking and e-commerce. Ludhiana's call centers offer a compelling proposition for businesses seeking exceptional customer service and support solutions, including inbound and outbound customer support, technical expertise, back-office operations, and many more.

Many call centers in Ludhiana offer basic call center services, but their main challenge is their inability to leverage advanced call center technology. This means they can't provide features like seamless omnichannel communication across phone, email, and social media or use automated scripts to ensure consistent messaging from their agents. These limitations can lead to missed conversions, as valuable leads are either not nurtured effectively or simply fall through the cracks. Hence, finding the best call center service provider in Ludhiana, which provides a tech stack like an in-house dialer that can prioritize and queue leads, can be challenging.

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Image: Achieve Exceptional Customer Service Through SquadStack's Offerings

If you're looking for a reliable and cost-effective call center services provider to elevate your customer experience, look no further than SquadStack. We offer a fully managed solution designed to boost conversions and reduce your CAC. With a team of over 10,000 trained telecallers and a robust tech stack comprising of lead management tools, omnichannel outreach capabilities, and AI-powered quality assurance, we ensure optimal performance. Additionally, SquadStack’s call center dashboard lets you easily gain valuable data insights into your campaigns.

Also check out our other blog: Top BPO Companies in Bangalore

Call Center in Ludhiana: CTA

Ludhiana's Leading Call Center Services Provider

SquadStack sets itself apart with a tech stack that empowers agents to enhnance their performance and boosts operational efficieny. The lead matching engine of SquadStack connects agents with the most relevant prospects, maximizing engagement. Intelligent call routing ensures optimal distribution, minimizing wait times. While our guided app equips agents with real-time information and scripts, our customizable workflow builder allows you to design the perfect omnichannel outreach journey for each campaign, fostering a cohesive customer experience.

SquadStack goes beyond the basics, empowering you to personalize every interaction. Customize greetings and introductions, capture specific details to tailor experiences, and generate insightful customer reports. These features position SquadStack as a powerful partner for businesses seeking to elevate customer service in Ludhiana.

Call Center Company in Ludhiana

What Makes SquadStack Better than Other BPOs & Call Centers in Ludhiana?

SquadStack is a tech-powered contact center with a strong presence in Ludhiana. We provide all-in-one telecalling services to businesses of all sizes and industries. Let us understand what makes us one of the best call center service providers in Ludhiana.

Trained & Vetted Telecallers

SquadStack has a team of over 10,000 industry-trained telecallers. These agents are the top 2% of applicants who meet CEFR guidelines and survive our rigorous screening process. We assess telephonic skills, speech, and objection handling through mock calls. Our app offers ongoing training modules on calling, objection handling, and brand protection. Combined with mock call sessions, personalized feedback, and industry insights, these ensure our agents stay up-to-date with the latest information.

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Image: More than Ten Thousand Trained and Vetted Telecallers

Omnichannel Outreach

SquadStack's omnichannel approach keeps leads engaged through calls, emails, SMS, and WhatsApp. We meticulously track conversion rates at each stage, allowing for real-time identification of areas for improvement and continuous optimization of your lead nurturing funnel.

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Image: System-Driven Omnichannel Outreach

AI-Powered Quality Monitoring

SquadStack empowers data-driven decision-making through AI-powered call quality analytics. We let you analyze calls by agent, lead source, duration, and outcome with customizable filters. You can also gain insights into call quality scores, specific audit details, and agent performance categories. Our comprehensive dashboard unlocks valuable information to drive better sales, improve customer experiences, and continuously optimize your campaigns.

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Image: AI-Powered Quality Monitoring for High-Quality Calls

Agent Management Platform

SquadStack’s Agent Management Platform fosters a collaborative environment through knowledge-sharing features, leaderboards, and gamified contests, keeping agents motivated and engaged. Trainers can provide real-time feedback and updates directly within the platform, ensuring continuous improvement and a consistently high-performing team.

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Image: Agent Management Platform Empowers Agents via Knowledge-Sharing Features

Data Security & Compliance

We are certified against ISO/IEC 27001:2013, a globally recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS). This rigorous certification demonstrates our unwavering commitment to meeting evolving regulations and data privacy laws. By partnering with SquadStack, you can rest assured that your data is protected with industry-leading security protocols, allowing you to focus on growing your business with complete confidence.

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Image: Safeguard Sensitive Data by Following Strict Security Measures

Productivity-Linked Pricing

SquadStack offers a flexible campaign management system paired with a pay-for-connected minutes-only pricing structure that eliminates the burden of fixed costs and limited scalability that often plague businesses. This empowers you to pay only for the minutes your agents are actively engaged with leads, maximizing your return on investment (ROI).

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Image: Pay for Connected Minutes Only

How is SquadStack Different From Traditional BPOs and Call Centers in Ludhiana

Traditional BPOs and call centers in Ludhiana often struggle to deliver the personalized touch and efficiency needed to enhance customer experience. Our technology-driven approach and various other services set SquadStack apart from traditional BPOs. Here’s how we go beyond the limitations of traditional call centers, empowering businesses to deliver exceptional customer service and achieve remarkable results.


Traditional BPO

Leverages AI-powered features like parallel & predictive dialers, intelligent lead matching, and a guided app to streamline operations and maximize agent effectiveness.

Traditional BPOs and call centers in Ludhiana often rely on manual processes and outdated technology, hindering efficiency and agent performance.

Enables customization of greetings, introductions, and data capture to personalize the customer journey.

Typically, call centers in Ludhiana rely on generic scripts, leading to impersonal interactions.

Provides a guided app and data-driven insights to boost agent productivity and effectiveness.

Call centers in Ludhiana offer minimal agent support, hindering performance and potentially leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Offers a usage-based pricing model where you only pay for connected minutes, eliminating hidden fees.

Many call centers in Ludhiana have fixed-cost contracts that might not adapt to changing lead volume.

Allows easy scaling of the team size up or down based on real-time needs with a pre-vetted talent pool.

They struggle to adapt staffing levels, leading to understaffing during peak periods and overstaffing during slow times.

Call Center in Ludhiana: E-book

SquadStack’s Advantage over Other BPOs & Call Centers in Ludhiana

  • Cost-Effective Alternative to In-House Teams: SquadStack eliminates the high costs and complexities associated with building an internal call center team. We provide access to a pool of industry-trained and regularly monitored telecallers.
  • Data-Driven Agent Optimization: SquadStack tackles agent productivity concerns head-on. Our robust analytics dashboard and call quality analysis features empower you to track individual and team performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to enhance customer interactions.
  • Streamlined Operations & Enhanced Productivity: SquadStack provides a fully integrated solution with features like call monitoring, quality analysis, agent interface, script builder, and CRM integration. This streamlines workflows, boosts agent efficiency, and allows you to focus on core business activities.
  • Unwavering Data Security & Compliance: We go beyond basic compliance with advanced security measures, such as PII masking, which safeguards sensitive personal information, and screenshot restrictions to prevent unauthorized data capture.
Call Center in Ludhiana: Book a Demo

Why is Ludhiana a significant destination for BPO in India?


The city has an abundant skilled workforce, a favorable business environment, a strategic location, and robust infrastructure. These factors altogether make Ludhiana a significant destination for BPOs in India.

What services do call centers in Ludhiana provide?


They provide various services, including customer service, technical support, data entry, data processing, human resources, accounting, and finance.

Can call centers in Ludhiana cater to international clients in different time zones?


These companies are designed to cater to international clients in different time zones through 24/7 service.

How is SquadStack different from other call center service providers in Ludhiana?


SquadStack offers a comprehensive, integrated technology solution for businesses besides around-the-clock service by an exceptionally talented workforce. The unparalleled expertise, innovative approach, and customer-centric services distinguish SquadStack from the rest of the service providers.

How Does Squadstack protect client data and ensure privacy?


Squadstack implements robust encryption across all layers to safeguard client data against potential breaches and cyberattacks.

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