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Customer support is an integral part of any business or company. It is the process of solving customer problems, handling queries, providing technical assistance, or any other help a customer may require. The process is usually carried out by a team of telecalling professionals or chatbots, but it can also involve email correspondence, social media interactions, or in-person assistance. Adequate customer support ensures customer satisfaction, improves loyalty, and promotes a positive brand image.

Popular e-commerce platform Choice India has partnered with SquadStack to improve sales and support operations, thereby reducing customer acquisition (CAC) by 200%. 88% of customers believe that excellent customer experience is as essential as a company’s product, while 93% of the customers are more likely to make repeated purchases if customer support is excellent.
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Why Is Customer Support Important?

Having a successful customer relationship becomes essential for large enterprises for various reasons. It fosters loyalty and enhances brand reputation, vital to gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Here are some of the critical importance of customer support:

Building Customer Loyalty

One thing that takes work to achieve is customer loyalty. Businesses need to understand that there is high competition out there. To achieve this, enterprises assist customers in becoming loyal to them. This means repeated revenue opportunities and increased chances of upselling or even cross-selling.

Enhancing Brand Reputation

When a customer is satisfied, they often leave positive reviews. These serve as social proof and enhance the brand's reputation. Additionally, satisfied customers communicate word-of-mouth, referring your products and services to others. This organic promotion reduces the need for advertising expenses as customers become advocates for your brand.

Increasing Customer Retention

Many businesses make most of their money from customers who return to buy more. So, it's super important for companies to focus on ways to keep these customers happy and coming back. They can do this by giving excellent products and services, paying attention to customers' wants, and being there to help whenever needed. This allows businesses to build strong relationships with their customers, making them want to stick around and keep buying from them.

Use of Technology In Customer Support

With the evolution of technology, customer support has transitioned towards more efficient and personalized processes. Automated chatbots provide instant responses to common queries, while AI-powered analytics offer insights into customer behavior. Remote assistance tools enable real-time troubleshooting, enhancing overall satisfaction and streamlining communication channels for faster resolutions.
Squadstack’s integration of AI into call quality assurance makes us different from our competitors. The data-driven approach to analyzing call recordings for quality assurance removes the human bias that comes with manual analysis.
Squadstack has integrated a customizable omnichannel outreach system. It can be tailored to the specific needs of businesses and assists them in connecting with customers through various touchpoints such as email, SMS, WhatsApp, IVR, etc. This helps in enhancing customer interactions. 

Are You Looking For a Fully Managed Customer Support Telecalling Team?

Outsourcing your customer support operations can help you streamline your business processes. If you want to outsource your customer support operations, you are at the right place. 
Squadstack offers highly trained telecallers for your business needs, supported by AI-driven quality assurance for unbiased call analysis. Our customizable omnichannel outreach system enhances customer interactions, ensuring tailored solutions for businesses across various touchpoints like email, SMS, WhatsApp, IVR, and more. This improves connectivity and ensures priority leads don’t get dropped.

What Is Customer Service?

Customer service is the ongoing assistance companies provide to ensure customers get the best experience. With continuous support through various channels, businesses create a conducive and relaxed environment where they can deliver a stellar customer experience. It's different from previous times when you merely offered support to the customer. It has evolved into providing support before, after, and during the interaction with the company. Prioritizing customer support reflects how companies are effectively communicating and retaining them.

Why Outsource Customer Service Telecalling Team?

Outsourcing has become essential for companies, and choosing the right outsourcing partner is critical to improving operations and increasing efficiency.
A telecalling outsourcing services provider like SquadStack, which has a team of more than 10k+ agents, allows a company to focus on core operations and scale as per requirements without going extra costs, including hiring and setup.
Outsourcing provides many advantages when it comes to customer service:

Skills For Efficient Customer Support

When dealing with customers, ensuring you provide the best support is critical. Your service often directly influences your brand image and public perception of your company. Here are some examples of efficient customer support and the skills required to achieve it:

Active Listening

Customer support representatives actively listen to frustrated customers, acknowledge their concerns, and ask straightforward questions to grasp the issue and offer solutions, ensuring customers feel valued and understood.


When customers seek listing removals due to financial strain, representatives respond empathetically, offering solutions like payment plans or service suspension. This empathetic approach builds trust and strengthens customer-company relationships.


The representative swiftly addresses a customer's email regarding an invoice discrepancy by investigating, explaining the cause, and offering a solution, ensuring a satisfactory resolution and customer satisfaction.


Customer service staff remain patient and supportive when customers call with frustrations, guiding them through solutions without rushing or showing frustration. This approach ensures a positive experience and successful issue resolution for customers.


Sales representatives effectively communicate product information, offering detailed explanations and immediate answers to inquiries. They enhance customer service through appropriate language and tone, ensuring clear understanding and effective communication.


Customers call support with unusual requests that are not part of the process. Agencies change quickly by assessing situations, thinking creatively, and finding solutions that meet customer needs while conforming to the company's needs. Agents are flexible, solve problems well, and give good advice to customers.

Customer Support vs Customer Service

We often confuse customer support with customer service; however, there is a slight difference. Customer support refers to solving customer problems and providing assistance, while customer service is about guiding the customer throughout their buying journey and retention process. 




Communication Methods


Inbound Calling Services






Outbound Calling Services






Effective Channels Used For Customer Service

Businesses use various platforms to connect with customers. In the past, they were limited to face-to-face interactions or phone calls, with many banks still relying on these methods. With evolving times, connecting with customers via various simple and effective channels has become more accessible. These platforms offer customer support and technical assistance, enhancing the customer experience.
Let's explore the various methods businesses can use to create an Effective Customer Service Channel Strategy.

Traditional Methods Used For Customer Service

Traditional customer service methods continue to exist in society, although their utilization has waned due to their inability to provide real-time updates. However, in the past, these methods were extensively employed to forge connections without reliance on digital screens. Let's explore some of these traditional approaches:


Surveys are widely used by businesses to gauge customer interest and perception. They provide a comprehensive view of how customers perceive a company and whether it meets their standards. When collecting surveys, using the correct set of questions is crucial as it assesses agent performance, the efficiency of support agents, and effectiveness in handling customers. Interactions are measured through survey forms, aiding in growth by improving interactions.

Feedback Forms

Companies use surveys and forms to solicit honest feedback from customers. These forms are typically anonymous to ensure anonymity. They consist of a few closed-ended questions to elicit the required responses only. Feedback forms provide insights to businesses about customer experiences. With this guidance, they can examine the customer journey and assess the quality of customer service.

Phone calls

Traditionally, businesses connected with customers through landline phones, often having separate lines for different purposes. Customers often had to endure long queues during high call volume periods, leading to frustration and wasted time. Music or messages were usually played to keep callers engaged during wait times. However, providing phone call support required businesses to invest in various hardware, incurring high expenses. They had to ensure consistent connectivity and train their staff accordingly.

Modern Channels Used For Customer Service

Modern customer service channels supersede traditional methods by offering rapid, real-time support. This streamlines business operations by minimizing waiting times and enhancing the customer experience. Below, we've outlined several contemporary customer service channels for your consideration.

Phone Support

Businesses have been providing phone customer support for decades. It is the most preferred communication channel as it allows real-time connectivity. Customer support executives can offer personalized service and help customers solve their issues. Unlike traditional phone calls, businesses usually have software that provides interactive features to agents. This allows them to perform various functions simultaneously while connecting with customers. Businesses are willing to invest more in new call-handling processes to streamline responses.
Modern phone call systems often leverage digital and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, enabling calls to be made over the Internet rather than traditional landline networks. With multi-channel Support, customer service agents can easily connect with users.

Email Assistance

Email communication is typically used for formal communication. Each email serves as a written record and allows businesses to understand customer queries within seconds. Issues are presented concisely, making it easier for agents to provide quick solutions. Email assistance helps businesses incur lower operational costs as it is easily accessible. The formal nature of the channel keeps communication professional and traceable.

Live Chat

Businesses are embracing technology and implementing live chat systems. This solution assists customers by providing prompt Support, alleviating the need for customer service agents to handle every task individually. Live chat supports streamlining communication modes, automating tasks, and providing prompt solutions without delaying responses. This creates a positive experience generated within seconds.

Social Media Interaction

With the advent of smartphones and social media platforms, many people are using different platforms. Businesses can leverage this opportunity to provide adequate customer service to customers, creating various funnels and strategies to connect with their audience. Customers can express their issues with the click of a button and share their message with the business, providing immediate access without delays. According to a study by Measured, 99% of brands are on Twitter, with 30% having a dedicated customer service handle. Businesses aim for prompt responses, as any delay may tarnish their reputation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is lead management, and why is it essential for businesses?

Lead management is integral to business operations and essential for effectively managing leads and maximizing conversion rates. A well-implemented system streamlines identifying and nurturing leads, ensuring that businesses can prioritize resources and focus on the most promising prospects. By leveraging strategies, companies can efficiently handle leads from various sources, improving efficiency and enhancing communication between sales and marketing teams.

With the best lead management software, companies can target priority leads efficiently and make sure everything runs smoothly. Identifying at what step of the sales funnel the leads are getting dropped is a crucial indicator of the problems arising in sales processes. By identifying these problems, companies can work towards finding solutions and manage leads effectively.

What is a call center?

A call hub is a central spot where agents manage numerous telephonic conversations for a business. These interactions span from customer inquiries to sales pitches and technical guidance.

What is the difference between a BPO and a call center?

Call centers exclusively deal with telephone-based interactions, whereas BPO covers a broader spectrum of tasks that are outsourced to it by other businesses.

What are the challenges faced by call center services in India?

Call center service providers in India face many challenges, such as staff turnover, maintaining service consistency, dealing with high call volumes, keeping pace with technological advancements, and ensuring data confidentiality.

    Who is a call center service provider?

    A call center assistance provider is a business entity that aids other firms in managing their telephonic inquiries. Equipped with trained manpower and advanced technology, they handle calls on behalf of their clients.

      Why are call center services for small businesses considered important?

      Outsourcing call center tasks brings about cost savings and enables small businesses to focus on core activities. It allows scalability to handle varying call volumes and offers round-the-clock assistance.