Outbound Call Center Services in India

Generate leads and revenue for your business by engaging your prospects using 
outbound call center services via omnichannel outreach.

What are Outbound Call Center Services?

Outbound call center services is a process where sales representatives of a company reach out to potential customers to create business opportunities. They aim to generate revenue for the company without waiting for customers to initiate contact. Agents use a proactive approach, employing persuasion and sales skills to form relationships. The ultimate goal is to convert leads into paying customers.

In outbound call center services, agents connect with leads through various channels, with phone calls being a prominent method. The focus is on lead generation to bring revenue to the company without spending extensively on other marketing expenses and further lead mangement.

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Trusted by Leading Businesses

Inbound Call Center vs. Outbound Call Center Services


Tools and Tech

Key Area

Key Performance 

Widely Used By

Inbound Call Center Services


Tools and Tech

Key Area

Key Performance Indicators

Widely Used By

Outbound Call Center Services


Tools and Tech

Key Area

Key Performance Indicators

Widely Used By

Enhance Your Outbound Center Campaigns With SquadStack 

SquadStack has what you need to enhance customer interactions and add value to customer experiences. 
Our tech-driven approach helps you improve your NPS, CSAT, and overall customer retention.

Expert Telecalling Staff
Expert Telecalling Staff

Highly trained telecallers who undergo regular coaching and assessment, ensuring top-notch performance.

Strategic Lead Prioritization

Implement lead scoring to prioritize leads, maximizing conversion potential and minimizing downtime systematically.

AI-Driven Quality Assurance

AI-powered quality monitoring across 23 parameters, guaranteeing script adherence, brand integrity, etc..

Comprehensive Campaign Insights

Gain actionable insights into campaign performance through our intuitive analytics dashboard, enabling informed decision-making and continuous improvement.

Expert Telecalling Staff
Tailored Omnichannel Outreach

Customize your outreach strategy across multiple channels, allowing seamless interaction with leads at their preferred touchpoints.

Efficiency-Boosting Dialer

Streamline operations with our efficient dialer, eliminating manual dialing processes and empowering agents to focus on productive conversations.

Enterprise-Grade Data Security

With ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification, we ensure the utmost security of your data through cutting-edge encryption techniques.

Seamless CRM Integration

Seamlessly integrate leading CRM systems like Freshsales and Salesforce, etc., ensuring smooth data flow and enhanced workflow efficiency.

sq with medfin
Check Out How SquadStack Helped Medfin!
“SquadStack is offering a very unique service. We had never outsourced before or worked with remote telecallers. So, we were glad that the processes were seamless from the beginning.”
Arun Kumar
Co-Founder, Medfin
SquadStack as an outbound Call center services Provider

Key Features of SquadStack Sales Outbound Call Center Services Provider

  • Analytics Dashboard: An analytics dashboard provides real-time data on outbound campaign performance, allowing businesses to assess agent efficiency and productivity. Supervisors can easily monitor and review performance metrics, facilitating better management of outbound calling operations.Read More

  • Call Recorder

    Call Recorder: Calls with prospects are automatically recorded and stored in the cloud, enabling retrieval for monitoring or information extraction purposes. Call recordings are commonly used for quality audits and feedback sessions with agents, aiding in performance evaluation and improvement.Read More

  • CRM Integration

    CRM Integration: Integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems allows seamless access to customer data within the outbound call center system. This integration streamlines agent workflows by consolidating relevant customer information in one accessible platform.Read More

  • call-scripting

    Call Scripting: Scripts serve as guides, providing agents with prepared answers and scenarios to navigate customer interactions effectively. This real-time support enhances customer experience and helps agents handle situations confidently.Read More

  • call-scripting

    Dialers: Auto-dialers streamline the calling by automatically dialing the next lead's number, eliminating downtime and maximizing agent productivity. While the predictive dialer queues up prospects to connect directly after the agent’s previous calls.Read More

SquadStack: Outbound Call Center Services Partner For Sales Transformation

SquadStack employs AI-driven technology to assist leading businesses across industries in maximizing outreach efforts. 
Our unique approach combines human proficiency with advanced technology, which elevates Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) while minimizing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). 

Trained Agents To Drive 
Higher Conversions

We have highly dedicated on-demand agents who undergo meticulous screening and continuous training. We provide comprehensive training and assess them with specific passing criteria. With our in-built lead prioritization system, 
we ensure that leads are transferred to the most suitable agents 
with the highest chances of conversion.

outbound Call center services Provider

Empowering Agents 
with Guided Support

We empower our agents to engage effortlessly with leads across various touchpoints, enhancing the overall customer experience. Equipped with an agent calling interface that offers guided scripts, FAQs, and battle cards, our agents ensure 100% compliance with script and cadence for seamless interaction with customers.

 Script - outbound Call center

Human and AI-Driven 
Quality Assessments

Our commitment to quality is unwavering. We assess call quality based on 23 parameters at a 12% sampling rate, ensuring optimal performance. By leveraging a blend of AI and human evaluation, we enhance agent productivity and elevate customer interaction, resulting in an enriched customer experience.

Ai driven QA- outbound Call center

Streamlined Lead Management Reporting

We streamline lead management through seamless integration with the customer's CRM. Through continuous A/B testing and systematic prioritization, we optimize outreach strategies to engage with leads effectively. After that, we utilize omnichannel outreach to connect with leads and track their conversion stage.

Reporting  - outbound Call center services

Maximizing Outreach for Enhanced Connectivity

We understand the importance of connectivity in driving conversions. Our agents reach out to leads through various touchpoints, including email, WhatsApp, IVR, SMS, and calling, catering to their preferences. This helps reduce turnaround time and improve customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Connectivity - Outbound Call center Services

Insightful Analytics for 
Informed Decisions

Gain valuable insights into your telecalling campaign's progress with our comprehensive daily reports and call recordings. You can leverage analytics to pinpoint areas for improvement and provide tailored feedback to agents, ensuring continuous enhancement of performance.

Analytics: Outbound call center service provider

Tailored Solutions for Seamless Growth and Adaptability

You'll experience unparalleled flexibility and scalability with our outbound calcenter software solutions tailored to your business needs. You can scale seamlessly without the worry of expensive setups or additional tools as we adapt to meet your demands efficiently. 

Seamless growth by outbound call center services

Frequently Asked Questions

What is lead management, and why is it essential for businesses?

Lead management is integral to business operations and essential for effectively managing leads and maximizing conversion rates. A well-implemented system streamlines identifying and nurturing leads, ensuring that businesses can prioritize resources and focus on the most promising prospects. By leveraging strategies, companies can efficiently handle leads from various sources, improving efficiency and enhancing communication between sales and marketing teams.

With the best lead management software, companies can target priority leads efficiently and make sure everything runs smoothly. Identifying at what step of the sales funnel the leads are getting dropped is a crucial indicator of the problems arising in sales processes. By identifying these problems, companies can work towards finding solutions and manage leads effectively.

What are outbound call center services?

An outbound call center service is a business function wherein calls are made to prospective buyers or current customers to improve sales, conduct surveys, raise funds, and research customer demands and sales.

What is the role of outbound sales call center services?

Outbound sales call centers aim to reach out to prospective customers to sell their company’s products and increase their sales. They use various channels like calls, texts, e-mails, or fixed appointments to reach people for effective interaction.

What services are provided by Outbound call center providers in India?

Outbound call centers in India provide various services like:

  • Conducting market research.
  • Informing regular customers about new products.
  • Reaching out to prospects.
  • Collecting feedback.
  • Outbound call center services in India also include customer engagement, revenue growth, and retention.

What is the difference between inbound and outbound call center services?

In inbound call center services, the customer reaches out to the call center to ask for support or get information regarding the company’s products and services. In contrast, in an Outbound call center providers have a variety of functions. Here is a list of the top 5 functions:-outbound call center, the customer call center representatives call the customers to generate leads and inform customers about new product launches or service amendments.

  • Lead generation and qualification
  • Collecting customer feedback and surveys
  • Appointment setting
  • Correcting billing issues
  • Conducting scheduled customer callbacks

How to outsource outbound call center services?

Outsourcing an outbound call center can be done by hiring a third-party BPO, i.e., Business Process Outsourcing, that will handle customer support operations on behalf of the business management. The workers can utilize their time and efforts to improve and develop their business.

What are some key features of call outbound services?

Some key features of call outbound services are dialer tools such as predictive dialing, power dialing, business phone calls, and SMS reminders. They also have features like adjustable caller ID, click-to-call capability, and call recording, which helps them to improve their interactions and reach.

Creating Impact for our partners Everyday


Daily Customer Calls


Daily Omnichannel


Leads Managed Daily


Call Conversations Analyzed Daily


“It is a very cost-effective model and has been extremely helpful for us. It is ever-evolving, 
user-friendly, and lucrative unless there are people who don’t want to try new things.”

Ishita Shah,
 Program Manager at Delhivery

“Their app and the structured approach to calling have been game changers for us. 
Having a clear, organised process for the callers to follow has made all the difference 
and this shift has created a lot of other cascading benefits for us.”

Praveen Jain,
 Product Manager at Moneyview

“With SquadStack, we've achieved a great scale while keeping the costs in control. Leads are properly allocated to ensure we have a great TAT, leading to a higher connectivity rate.”

Ronak Agarwal,
 Head of Marketing at Choice

“Outsourcing to SquadStack gives us a lot of flexibility. To do anything in-house, you will 
need a lot of time to scale up and execute things at a fast rate. We found a great partner 
in SquadStack, who helped us achieve our growth goals”

Satyartha Srivastava,
 Customer Success Lead at Upstox
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