Outsourced Sales and Marketing Team for Business Scalability

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July 23, 2024


8 Minutes

Bisma Khan

Bisma Khan

Outsourced Sales and Marketing Team for Business Scalability


Sales and marketing departments are critical for driving revenue, but maintaining these departments can be a significant burden. From onboarding costs and sales incentives to the latest tools and technologies, especially for smaller companies with limited capital trying to survive the competitive landscape. Outsourcing sales and marketing can seem like a daunting task, but it might just be the game-changer your business needs. 

Sales outsourcing involves trusting an external company to generate revenue for you. Hence, it’s an extremely important decision that could make or break your company.  We are aware that business owners might have many apprehensions when it comes to outsourced sales and marketing, but what is important to understand here is that outsourcing departments like telesales save you the time and expense of hiring, training, and managing a dedicated team. 

The quickest way to deliver results in these departments is to outsource them to a company that already has all the processes in place. In this blog, we'll delve into why outsourced sales and marketing is a smart move, the advantages it offers, and how to select the right partner for this task.  We'll also share strategies and tips to help you navigate this journey with confidence. Read on to discover how outsourcing can help you scale your business.

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The Need for Outsourced Sales and Marketing

When starting a business from scratch, you are bound to multitask and assume full responsibility for crucial departments like sales, marketing, operations, and tech until you hire trusted, specialized employees for these tasks. 

But as your company grows and your team scales, hiring and maintaining consistent telesales out of all these departments can be a chore. There are many challenges that you will face while hiring and growing your telesales operations, some of which are: 

Outsourced sales and marketing ebook
  • Limited Bandwidth and Resources: In-house telesales teams often struggle with limited manpower, specialized resources, and improper out-of-date training, which hinders their capability to execute successful telesales campaigns.
  • Difficulty in Scaling Efforts: Scaling these teams in-house based on increasing or decreasing customer interactions is often inefficient and can lead to dissatisfied customers and resource waste.
  • High Costs of Recruitment and Training: Building a competent telesales team requires significant time, effort, and investment, which many companies can’t afford when building their business.
  • High Attrition Rates: Telesales agent roles usually experience a high turnover rate, leading to constant hiring and training cycles that result in a loss in sales revenue.
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So what’s the solution?

Finding an outsourcing partner can help you counter all the above challenges effectively. SquadStack is one such player in the market. With its tech-first modern contact center approach, SquadStack brings you a scalable, cost-efficient, and tech-focused solution that enables you to focus on your core business challenges.

6 Key Benefits of Outsourced Sales and Marketing Team

  1. Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing reduces staffing and operational costs by eliminating the need for a physical setup and extensive training programs and coaches. Your business can save on overhead costs while still accessing top-tier sales and marketing expertise.
  2. Access to Expertise: Companies can leverage the knowledge and skills of seasoned professionals, which is particularly beneficial for new businesses looking to scale. Outsourcing partners bring industry-specific insights and proven strategies to the table that might remain inaccessible to you if you don’t plan to outsource.
  3. Scalability: Operations can be easily scaled up or down based on business needs. Companies like SquadStack offer unparalleled flexibility in this regard, allowing businesses to adjust their sales efforts to match their fluctuating market demands.
  4. Speed to Market: Outsourcing accelerates entry into new markets. For instance, Aakash’s ANTHE initiative was effectively scaled using SquadStack’s services, and they were able to reach 15 lakh leads within a week. This rapid deployment can give your business a competitive edge.
  5. Focus on Core Competencies: Internal teams can concentrate on strategic initiatives while outsourced sales and marketing partners handle the operational aspects. This allows businesses to allocate resources more effectively and drive innovation.
  6. Availability of Better Tech: Setting up in-house tech can often be expensive and requires more human capital. Outsourced firms bring with them proprietary tech, like call intelligence tools, audit tools, and agent management platforms, that lead to better connectivity and lead management for your telesales campaigns.
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How Does Sales Outsourcing Work?

  • Understanding Business Needs and Goals: Map out what you want to achieve by this activity. Do you plan to supplement your in-house teams, or do you want to outsource these tasks completely? Once you have an idea of your needs and goals, it will become easier for you to find an outsourcing partner who can match them.
  • Tailoring a Plan that Aligns With the Company’s Objectives: All businesses are different. An outsourcing firm should be able to identify your sales objectives and accordingly tailor a solution that will minimize costs while delivering experience and expertise in the form of talented sales agents.
  • Launching and Executing the Telesales Strategy: The outsourced sales firm will most likely have a team of sales reps already ready to take over your telesales campaign. Once sales agents undergo sales and industry-specific training, the team will execute the campaign plan and start interacting with customers.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Regular updates and performance reviews with the account manager are essential to ensure alignment with sales goals, help track progress, and make necessary adjustments. 
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Key Services Provided by Outsourced Sales and Marketing Companies

Everyone around you is running a business. But not everyone will have the same outsourcing needs as you. After partnering with many companies from diverse sectors like BFSI, medtech, e-commerce, logistics, etc., we realize the need for a diverse set of use cases when looking to outsource telesales

Garnering expertise in a variety of services can take some time and effort hence, third-party outsourcing firms are a go-to option for many small and large companies when it comes to telesales. Here are a few key services that many outsourced sales companies provide on a regular and how they can benefit your business:

  • Cold Calling: Engaging prospects directly to generate interest. This proactive approach helps businesses reach potential customers and build a robust sales pipeline.
  • Customer Onboarding: Ensuring a smooth transition from lead to customer. Effective onboarding processes enhance customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Lead generation: Identifying and qualifying potential customers. High-quality lead generation strategies ensure a steady flow of prospects for the sales team.
  • Appointment setting: Scheduling appointments of medtech customers with desired doctors/clinics.
  • Abandoned Cart and Assisted Sales Services: Converting hesitant buyers in e-commerce. These services help recover lost sales and increase revenue.
  • Sales prospecting: Identifying new sales opportunities. Proactive prospecting keeps the sales pipeline full and supports business growth.
  • Reactivating old customers: Engaging previous customers to drive repeat business. This strategy leverages existing relationships to boost sales.
  • Customer relationship management: Maintaining and enhancing customer relationships. Effective CRM practices build loyalty and long-term customer value.
  • Account opening, activation, KYC: Handling essential baking processes is a routine service that ensures compliance and efficiency in account management.
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Image: Banking Use Cases Offered by SquadStack

Choosing the Right Outsourcing Partner: 3 Factors to Consider

When it comes to outsourcing, you don’t want to jump the gun just yet. Thoroughly vetting every potential outsourcing firm is crucial. You want someone who brings enough experience and expertise to the table and is also well-versed in your industry’s know-how. 

With various options available, including in-house teams, traditional BPOs, and modern tech-driven companies like SquadStack, it's essential to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each to find the best fit for your needs.  

Industry Knowledge

Sector-specific knowledge is a must when looking for an outsourcing partner. You want a company that understands the nuances of your industry and adheres to your company's ethos. You want to look for an outsourcing partner that has spent time getting its hands dirty in the market, gaining all the knowledge that it can about elevating sales and marketing for companies like yours.

Experience and Track Record

Testimonials are your best friends when finding an outsourcing partner. Review each company’s history and track record to see how their past clients have benefited from outsourcing and what their success rate looks like to make a final decision.

In-house Teams Vs. Tier 1 BPOs Vs. SquadStack:


Tier 1 Traditional BPOs

In-House Telesales Teams


Sales Expertise

Lacking sales expertise

Greater control but lacks sales DNA

Specialized in telesales with advanced sales techniques

Quality Checks

Only 1-2% of calls sampled

Internal checks, often insufficient

12% of all call recordings sampled, with 3% manual reviews

Conversion Rates

Frequent dips due to high attrition

Frequent dips due to high attrition

High conversion rates are driven by in-depth feedback

Connectivity Rates

Low connectivity & conversion rates

Low connectivity due to manual lead management

Up to 90% connectivity with advanced lead prioritization


Fixed costs without guarantee of productivity

High costs for hiring, training, management, and tech

Productivity and Outcome-linked pricing, cost-efficient

Tech Integration

Add-on tech pieces lead to high costs

High costs for building in-house tech

In-house tech: Call quality AI, lead management system, in-depth analytics

Lead Management

Inefficient lead management

Manual lead management

Omnichannel outreach, real-time alerts for connectivity dips

Attrition Management

High attrition affecting conversion rates

High attrition affecting conversion rates

Robust systems reduce attrition impact


Limited scalability and adaptability

Limited by internal resources

Highly scalable and adaptable

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SquadStack: Your Ideal Outsourcing Partner

When it comes to comprehensive telesales services tailored to a business’s unique needs, SquadStack stands out as a leader. With a proven track record and a focus on innovation and client success, we are the partner you need to drive growth and efficiency in your telesales operations. 

Comprehensive Service Offerings

SquadStack provides a full spectrum of services designed to meet all your telesales needs. Our use cases include cold calling, customer relationship management, lead generation, appointment setting, abandoned cart and assisted sales services, and more. 

We deliver end-to-end solutions that not only drive growth but also improve operational efficiency. Our expertise extends to sectors such as e-commerce, BFSI, logistics, travel, MedTech, and more, ensuring that we can cater to diverse business requirements.

Client Success Stories

Our clients' success stories are a testament to the impact of our outsourced telesales solutions. For instance, we helped Upstox increase its activation rate by 40% and achieve a 75% connectivity rate through AI-powered outreach. 

Choice India saw a 70% reduction in customer acquisition costs and a significant improvement in lead-level connectivity to an average of 72%. 

These case studies and testimonials highlight our capabilities and dedication to delivering measurable results for our clients.

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Technology and Innovation

A glimpse into our full-stack in-house tech offerings:

  • AI-Powered Call Quality Monitoring: We sample 12% of all call recordings (and an additional 3% manually) across 23 quality parameters, providing agents with in-depth feedback to drive high-quality calls.
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  • In-House Dialer and CRM Integration: Our built-in dialer and seamless CRM integrations with platforms like Salesforce and Pipedrive enhance lead management and agent productivity.
  • Omnichannel Outreach: Our omnichannel strategy ensures no lead slips through the cracks, utilizing platforms like WhatsApp, call, email, SMS, and IVR.

Ready to redefine your telesales process? Contact SquadStack today to explore how our innovative telesales outsourcing solutions can drive your business forward.


What is outsourced sales and marketing?


Outsourced sales and marketing involve delegating your sales and marketing functions to external experts who specialize in these areas. This allows businesses to leverage external expertise, reduce costs, and focus on core competencies.

What are the benefits of outsourcing sales and marketing?


Outsourcing sales and marketing can lead to cost efficiency, access to expert knowledge, scalability, faster market entry, and the ability to focus on core business activities.

How can I ensure that an outsourced partner aligns with my business goals?


Clearly define your business needs and goals before outsourcing. Choose a partner with industry-specific knowledge, a strong track record, and the ability to tailor their services to your objectives. SquadStack, for example, tailors its solutions to align with your business objectives.

How does SquadStack help with outsourced sales?


SquadStack offers tech-driven, scalable, and cost-efficient telesales solutions. Their services include cold calling, lead generation, customer relationship management, and more, tailored to meet diverse business needs.

How can outsourcing sales and marketing save my business money?


Outsourcing eliminates the need for extensive training programs, physical setups, and large in-house teams, reducing overhead costs. Outsourcing partners like SquadStack offer productivity and outcome-linked pricing, making it cost-efficient.

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