What is Lead Scoring? | Best Lead Scoring Solutions

Transform your sales pipeline with lead scoring- Discover its benefits, best practices, and understand how SquadStack’s lead scoring model works.

June 14, 2024


5 mins

Shara Zareen

Shara Zareen

What is Lead Scoring? | Best Lead Scoring Solutions


What is Lead Scoring?

Lead scoring is a methodology specifically used by the sales and marketing team of a business to evaluate, grade, and prioritize potential customers. The evaluation creates a score for each lead based on multiple criteria, like demographics and their interaction with the company’s website or content. It also signifies the likeliness of your products being bought by someone. A high lead score indicates that the customer is ready for a pitch, while leads with a lower score need to be nurtured with targeted marketing emails and content.

See How Lead Scoring Can Boost Sales

Why is Lead Scoring Software Important?

  • It helps the sales team focus on the hottest leads.
  • Improves ROI by identifying high-potential leads and allowing effective nurturing.
  • Aligns sales and marketing teams using a data-driven approach to qualify leads.
  • Lead scoring helps understand the lead’s behavior for personalized lead nurturing campaigns.
  • Lead scores provide valuable data for predicting future sales performance.

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Why Leading Businesses Choose SquadStack For Lead Scoring?

Here are some compelling reasons why leading businesses should choose SquadStack to supercharge their sales and marketing efforts. We will help you to find the best priority leads on the basis of our AI assisted lead scoring model which calls the highest priority leads first. Below are the reasons whu you should outsource SquadStack to fileter low quality leads & better conversion rates.

  • We allow you to identify and target the highest-propensity leads, boosting conversion rates.
  • You can leverage machine learning to analyze lead data and predict conversion probability.
  • Gain actionable insights into your leads to customize your approach according to their needs.
  • You can optimize your marketing spend by allocating resources towards the leads most likely to convert.
  • Your sales team will spend less time chasing unqualified prospects and more time closing deals.
  • You can shorten your sales cycle by identifying leads who are ready to buy sooner.
  • SquadStack's software integrates seamlessly with your CRM and other sales tools.
  • Invest in our solution designed to generate higher ROI from your marketing and sales efforts.
  • SquadStack's lead scoring software can continue to prioritize and qualify your leads effectively.

Check How SquadStack helped helped BNPL to Boost Conversions by 40%

Lead Scoring for Businesses
Image: Reasons to Choose SquadStack

Understanding the Lead Scoring Models

Lead scoring acts like a compass for your sales team, guiding them toward the most promising leads. But with different models available, choosing the right one is crucial. Here's a breakdown of common lead scoring models:

Traditional Lead Scoring

Traditional or static lead scoring is the foundational approach to lead qualification. In this straightforward approach, points are assigned to the leads based on a predefined set of rules. It primarily uses data such as job title, industry, location, etc., and lead behavior such as website visits, email opens, form submissions, etc.

Behavioral Lead Scoring

This scoring approach focuses on analyzing the lead’s interaction and actions with the company’s marketing materials and digital channels, such as website visits, content downloads, webinar attendance, email engagement, and other touchpoints. Behavioral lead scoring gives valuable insights into lead interest, allowing dynamic lead prioritization and effective lead nurturing for those with low behavioral scores.

Purchase-Intent Lead Scoring

By utilizing the purchase-intent lead scoring method, businesses can evaluate and prioritize leads based on their intent to make a purchase. This approach goes beyond mere demographics and behavioral lead scoring to identify leads who actively consider or research the company’s products or services and are most likely to convert in the near future.

Predictive Lead Scoring

Predictive lead scoring, the modern alternative to traditional lead scoring, is a more dynamic and data-driven approach. It utilizes advanced analytics, historical data, customer behavior, and machine-learning algorithms to assign scores that are more accurate and dynamic. Compared to traditional lead scoring, this approach predicts the lead conversion probability with greater precision.

Account-Based Lead Scoring

It is a tailored approach, especially for businesses that target specific accounts or companies instead of individual leads. Account-based lead scoring assigns scores to the entire account on the basis of company size, industry, revenue, etc., and aligns with account-based marketing (ABM) strategies, allowing prioritization of high-value accounts for personalized outreach.

Hybrid Lead Scoring

The hybrid lead scoring model is a combination of multiple models or techniques. It overcomes the limitations of each model by leveraging their respective strength, resulting in more accurate lead qualification and improved targeting. This approach of lead scoring enables businesses to customize their scoring approach according to their specific business needs and objectives.

How Does SquadStack’s Lead Scoring Work

The high volume of leads our customers share creates a constant challenge: prioritizing who to contact first. To address this, we developed a sophisticated model. This model categorizes and ranks leads based on their stage in the buyer's journey. This allows us to consistently target the leads most likely to convert, maximizing conversion rates.

SquadStack’s Lead Prioritization Algorithm

STEP 1 ➧

For new customers, a rule-based system prioritization starts after 2 sales cycles, but for existing use cases, it starts from day 3 itself. This helps us determine which leads to contact first.


After achieving 500 sales, the system transitions to a machine learning (ML) model for lead prioritization. The ML model requires historical data to function accurately and become effective.

STEP 3 ➧

Our lead prioritization model is re-evaluated and updated every 2 sales cycles or once every month, whichever comes first. This ensures the model stays relevant and adapts to changing customer needs.

Lead Scoring: View all Customer Stories

Lead Scoring is a Must-Have, Here’s Why

In today's competitive landscape, focusing on the right leads is essential. Lead scoring provides a powerful system to identify and prioritize your most promising prospects, elevating your sales. Here's why it's a must-have:

Align Sales & Marketing

It provides a common ground for both sales and marketing teams to understand and prioritize leads. This collaboration fosters better communication, smoother handoffs, and improved overall performance.

Prioritize Sales Efforts

Lead scoring helps save time and resources by eliminating wasted efforts on unqualified prospects. Additionally, it enables the sales team to focus on customers with the highest lead scores.

Improve Sales Forecasting

By utilizing lead scores, businesses can predict their future sales performance. Scores are used to estimate the number of lead conversions in a given timeframe, allowing better budget planning and resource allocation.

Boost Marketing ROI & Conversion Rates

It allows the marketing team to identify and nurture leads with high potential, enabling them to target these leads by sending personalized content and offers, leading to improved ROI and conversion rates. 

Enhance Customer Experience

Lead scoring fosters personalized and relevant interactions with the customer based on their behavior. This boosts positive customer experience as it creates a sense of loyalty and trust among the leads.

Access to Data-Driven Insights

Lead scoring gives businesses the liberty to generate and analyze valuable data about the leads, which allows them to understand their target audience, identify trends, and refine their lead scoring models if required. 

Lead Scoring: E-Book

Your 6-step Guide for Calculating a Basic Lead Score

STEP 1 ➧ Define Lead Attributes

  • Identify the characteristics of your leads using demographics and firmographics.

STEP 2 ➧ Assign Point Values

  • Assign point values to each lead attribute based on its significance in determining a lead’s score.

STEP 3 ➧ Capture Lead Data

  • Utilize various sources like CRM and marketing automation to collect data on your leads.

STEP 4 ➧ Calculate Lead Scores

  • Tally the points for each lead based on their attributes and recorded actions.

STEP 5 ➧ Set Lead Score Range

  • Define a lead score range to categorize leads based on their scores.

STEP 6 ➧ Prioritize Lead Nurturing

  • Prioritize and reach out to the leads with high scores.
  • Nurture the leads with a lower score.

10 Lead Scoring Best Practices to Skyrocket Your Sales

Lead scoring can be a game-changer for your sales funnel, but using it effectively requires the right strategy. Here are 10 best practices to skyrocket your sales with lead scoring.

Define Your Goals and Ideal Customer Profile

Start with clear objectives for your lead scoring program, as it helps guide your scoring strategy. Additionally, knowing your ideal customer profile is crucial in understanding which data points are most relevant for scoring.

Choose the Right Scoring Model

There are different lead scoring models, such as demographic, behavioral, predictive, and others. You must consider your resources and data availability when choosing a model. You can also implement a hybrid model that combines elements from different approaches for a more comprehensive evaluation.

Start Simple & Scale Gradually

Don't try to create an overly complex scoring system right away. Begin with a basic model and gradually add complexity as you gather more data and refine your understanding of your leads.

Focus on Data Quality

Ensure that your data sources, such as CRM, marketing automation, and web analytics, are seamlessly integrated and the information is up-to-date. This benefits in two ways: accurate scores and an automated lead scoring process. 

Assign Weights to Scoring Criteria

Not all data points are equally important. Assign weights to different criteria based on their significance in determining a lead's value. For example, a demo request might hold more weight than a blog post download.

Use Negative Scoring

Don't just reward positive actions. Include negative scoring for actions that indicate low interest, such as unsubscribing from emails or abandoning shopping carts.

Monitor & Refine Your Model Regularly 

Your scoring models need to be modified as well in order to remain effective in this ever-evolving business structure and changing market conditions. You must regularly review and refine your scoring criteria based on performance metrics.

Align Sales & Marketing

Ensure both teams understand the scoring system and how it's used. This fosters collaboration and helps them work together more effectively towards shared goals.

Respect User Privacy

Be transparent about how you collect and use data for lead scoring. You must ensure adherence to the relevant privacy regulations to ensure effective data security. 

Use Lead Scoring for Lead Nurturing

Leverage lead scores to personalize your marketing efforts. Send targeted content, offers, and campaigns based on a lead's score and interests.

Lead Scoring

Why is lead scoring important?


By prioritizing high-scoring leads, nurturing them with targeted content, and automating communication, you can optimize your marketing efforts. This focuses sales on the most promising leads, improves marketing ROI by targeting the right audience, and efficiently moves qualified leads toward conversion.

How does lead scoring work?


Lead scoring assigns points to your leads based on their information and actions. High scores indicate a hotter lead, likely more interested in your product. This system helps you prioritize by directing your sales team to the most promising leads first.

What are some common lead scoring models?


There are three main lead scoring models. Implicit scoring focuses on a lead's activity and engagement, explicit scoring considers a lead's suitability for your product, and the matrix model combines both implicit and explicit scoring.

How to improve the accuracy of my lead scoring model?


To ensure your lead scoring stays accurate, continuously track its performance and adjust as needed. Analyze data and real-world results to refine your model, and use A/B testing to compare different approaches. This way, your scoring system constantly improves and accurately pinpoints your best leads.

What are some common lead scoring attributes?


Lead scoring considers two main categories: demographics and behavior. Demographics include firmographics (company size, industry) and personal details (job title, seniority). Behavior focuses on how a lead interacts with your marketing (downloads, website visits) and brand (email opens, social media engagement).

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